Research Grants and Awards

The Impact of Long-COVID on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in ADRD Burden
PI: Case
Role: Gupta (Pilot Grant PI)
Years: 2023-2024
Funder: National Institute on Aging (P30AG012810)/ NBER

Alliances to Disseminate Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT): A Statewide Learning Health System to Reduce Substance Use among Justice-Involved Youth in Rural Communities
MPI: Aalsma/Gupta/Simon
Role: MPI
Years: 2019-2024
Funder: National Institute on Drug Abuse (UG1 DA050070-05S1)

COVID-19 Sequelae Among Adults with ADRD: Individual, Provider and Community Factors Associated with Improved Health Outcomes
MPI: Simon/Gupta
Role: MPI
Years: 2023-2024
Funder: National Institute on Aging (P30AG012810-28S5)/ NBER

COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation, Community Economic and Social Vulnerability, and Opioid Use Disorder
PI: Hill (Rochester) /Adams (Wake Forest)
Role: Site PI (Indiana University)
Years: 2022-2027
Funder: National Institute on Drug Abuse (U01 DA057016-01)

The Effect of Medical Cannabis Laws on Health Care Use in Insured Populations with Pain
PI: David Bradford (University of Georgia)
Role: Co-Investigator (Supplement)
Years: 2021-2023
Funder: National Institute on Drug Abuse (3R01DA047365-03S1)

COVID-19 and Postpartum Access to Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
PI: Sumedha Gupta (Indiana University)
Role: PI
Years: 2022-2023
Funder: IU Addictions Grand Challenge

Policy, economic and social determinants of health in Medicare populations
PI: Kosali Simon (Indiana University)
Role: Co-PI
Years: 2022-2023
Funder: Indiana CTSI Project Development Team

Pharmacy Market Concentration in Indiana by Sector
PI: Kosali Simon (Indiana University)
Role: Co-PI
Years: 2021-2022
Funder: Indiana Legislative Services Agency

Medication use patterns during the Covid-19 pandemic
PI: Salama Freed (Duke University)
Role: PI (IU Subcontract)
Years: 2021
Funder: National Pharmaceutical Council

Racial and ethnic disparities in receipt of medication for opioid use disorder
PI: Steven Crystal (Rutgers University)
Role: Co-PI (IU subcontract)
Years: 2021-2022
Funder: Pew Charitable Trusts

Planned Outreach, Intervention, Naloxone, and Treatment (POINT)
PI: Dennis Watson
Role: Co-Investigator
Year: 2016-2019
Funder: Fairbanks Foundation and Eskenazi Health

Social Influences on Early Adult Stress Biomarkers
PI: T. McDade & E. Adam (Northwestern University)
Role: Co-Investigator
Year: 2009-2010
Funder: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development R01 HD053731-01A1